Galvanized Steel Geodesic Dome 8' x 4.5', LCD touch screen monitor 42", 99 Plexiglass triangular mirrorsArduino microcontroller, Clear plexiglas inverted pyramid sculpture 20" x 14", 10 1GB Animations
Buried In The Sky, 2014
plexiglass, 12 arrays of 18 LED lights imbedded with a potentiometer, hacked fiber optic system, mirrors
Ebb & Flow, 2014
Augmented reality enabled digital photography
Operation Olympic Games, 2014
plexi-glass, Ecapso K rubber, coffee grounds, dirt
The Code War, 2014
hacked remote toy vehicles, galvanized steel dome, plexi glass mirrors, Processing, MAX MSP, Final Cut Pro, and a Pico 300 portable projector