The Code War is an installation that tracks the origins of the Stuxnet worm. This is a weapon made entirely out of code. It was developed by the US and Israeli governments in 2007 to infiltrate Iran's Nuclear program in Natanz. It was leaked in 2010 and is a commodity on the internet's black market. It has been used to interrupt the infrastructures of Russia, the U.S., Japan and most recently, the Ukraine. 

The installation was designed to show and make visible the Stuxnet code through objects. A half-geodesic dome was skinned with mirrors. This augmented the primary kinetic sculpture which rotated inside the dome and projected imagery onto the mirrors. Odd refractions bounced off the sculpture and it appeared hidden.

Stuxnet's most virulent feature is that it fools PC's that have been infected by the code to do nothing when commands begin to cause damage to systems . This causes considerable damage as the engineers have no idea why their centrifuges, power plants or water utilities are melting down.