Showtime Extreme Branding

When Showtime launched Showtime Extreme I was tapped to shape the branding and was tasked with writing and directing 3 branding ID's to show the range of the channel.

I came up with the idea to wink at film genres: Thrillers, Horror and Crime Dramas.

Chills: We focused on the viewer and how horror films can scare the beejesus out of the audience.

Chase: A homage to espionage films. I wanted to make the hero a sophisticated woman. Cool as a cucumber while she watches a bomb tick.

Bad Cop: I love a good psychological crime dramas. And, had a lot of fun with this one. Who is this cop fighting? Himself, that's who.

We didn't want them to read as "funny", but we did create signifiers that exemplified the genres of extreme films without taking ourselves too seriously.

Director: Joan Raspo
Showtime Creative Director: Anne Weiser
Showtime Art Director: Jim Fitzgerald
Editor: Steve Hamilton
Wanna see how awesome it will look in your space?

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