Evidence 02, 2014

911 was unforgettable. I remember the morning of September 11th 2001. Ordinary day. Sunny. Early Fall. While walking to my studio two planes hit the twin towers. Serenity was gone. Chaos ensued. As I stood on 5th Avenue—a straight view to the Twin Towers, I took a photo of the buildings as they collapsed. A collective gasp defined the moment. This mixed media painting uses the photo I took as the towers fell and uses shards of mirror to symbolize the destruction of a formerly indestructible icon. The text is neutral. It tells the story from the perspective of the planes that hit, neither political nor editorial. Simply, the truth of my experience.

  • Evidence 02, 2014: Joan Raspo
  • mixed media collage and photographs (framed with museum quality glass)

  • 17.5 x 22.5 inches (44.45 x 57.15 cm)

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